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Advanced shade systems terms and conditions of sale



All Advanced Shade Systems proposals are subject to factors that are unknown at the time of preparing, including:

 -          Engineering specifications as determined by a 3rd party tension membrane engineer

-          Underground services and the impact of these on our design

-          Council permits and other required approvals

-          Site inspection if not already carried out

-          Soil test and soil conditions

-          Site access

-          Impacts of abnormal weather events

Additional costs

 Advanced Shade Systems reserves the right to request additional fees as a variation or cancel or modify a project based on any of these factors. These factors could also lead to unforeseeable increases in lead times for delivery. In the event of a cancellation of a project all deposits will be refunded less outlaid costs up to the time of cancellation.


 Our proposals constitutes an offer to conduct the services on the terms and conditions noted within and are subject to the execution of a formal agreement in accordance with the requirements of the QBCC. The offer is open for acceptance for a period of thirty (90) days from the date noted of any given proposal.

Works to existing sails and structures

 Advanced Shade Systems does not warrant or guarantee any structures or sails that are not installed by us. In the event that we are rectifying or repairing an existing shade system installed by others, Advanced Shade Systems only warrants the components, materials and workmanship carried out by ourselves.

 Warranties                         We guarantee our workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of completion. Any goods not of our manufacture are sold subject to the manufacturer’s warranty.

 Title                                       Legal and beneficial title of the goods shall not pass to the purchaser until it has been paid for in full. The purchaser grants an irrevocable licence to Advanced Shade Systems Pty Ltd to enter any premises of the purchaser to take possession of the goods if they are not paid for by the due date.

 Services                               Advanced Shade Systems will perform a ‘dial before you dig’ when any excavation is to take place.  A cable and pipe locator will also be used when excavation is to take place.  The cable and pipe locator is included in the price.  Should a service be hit that wasn’t picked up by the cable and pipe locator, the cost of the damage and repair will be passed onto the customer.

Dial Before You Dig is a free national referral service for information on underground infrastructure. It puts those who intend to excavate in touch with underground asset owners who are Members of the Dial Before You Dig service.

 Foundations                      This proposal includes the excavation (either hand digging or mechanically) of normal soil conditions.  As it is difficult to determine the composition of the soil before excavation, difficult excavation including rock, tree roots, concrete, existing footings or concrete slabs will be charged out at an additional hourly rate of $95 + GST per hour/per worker.  Should additional equipment, such as jackhammers or excavators (other than our own) be required, this will also be an additional charge.

 Access                                  Unobstructed site access is required during the installation process.  If this is compromised, additional charges will apply.

 Weather                             Projects may be delayed because of bad weather conditions.  For safety reasons, staff may be unable to work in heavy rain or extreme wind conditions.  Heavy rain before or during excavation also leads to the site becoming very muddy and messy, excavation holes filling with water and excavation equipment causing earth damage.

 Engineering                        All of our shade systems are certified by a tension membrane engineer. A Form

Certification                       15 is required in order to obtain Building Approval.

Building Approval            It is a requirement of local council that the building works be approved by a private certifier. You DO need to obtain Building Approval for:

·         Shade systems of any size that are made of impervious (waterproof) material;

·         Shade systems larger than 10m2 or higher than 2.4m that are made of pervious (shade cloth) material

This relates to residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

 Union-Based Site             Please note if this is a union-based site complete with added site and other construction related allowances that we are not aware of, price will be subject to change


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8 Hook St Capalaba Qld 4157
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